Friday 10 November 2017


          Hi viewers ! It has been a long , long, long time since my last post and now I am back with a new one ! :) All this time I have been posting about stuff related to food . This time I have a different topic . As you may have seen from the title , this one is about what we must do to avoid any damage to the earth .

Stephen Hawking has stated that by 2600, the earth will turn into a flaming ball of fire and if we do not take action , the whole of mankind will be extinct.

This is happening because of human activity. Scientists are making plans to leave the planet and find another earth-like planet . I say we should try to prevent this by protecting the earth and doing whatever we can to save our planet because another planet will have the same conditions and soon we will face another threat . 

I request all of you viewers to take action and start taking care of nature . We should do the following things to protect the earth :

  • Avoid the use of plastics and start using jute bags which are more eco-friendly 
  • Grow more plants and encourage others to grow more plants
  • Segregation  of waste should be followed
  • Plastics should not be thrown around and should go for recycling
Please share this with friends and family and follow the points above . For now, bye !😆